The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Police Department
General Order 1-3.6 Departmental Awards
  1. Introduction
  2. The Departmental Awards Program is designed to honor particularly meritorious service and conduct performed by members of the department.

    The command staff will be responsible for the fiscal, logistical, and administrative aspects of the program, as well as acting as staff support of the Meritorious Conduct Board.

    Nominations may be submitted by any member of the department. They should be forwarded with the proper documentation to the command staff for review. Nominations must be submitted within twelve months of the occurrence of the act or event. All awards will be presented at an appropriate time, as determined by the Chief of Police.

  3. Meritorious Conduct Board
  4. The purpose of the Meritorious Conduct Board is to review cases involving particular meritorious service and to make recommendations to the Chief of Police for proper recognition of exceptional acts performed by eligible persons.

    Duties of the Meritorious Conduct Board will be as follows:

  5. Awards for Heroism

  6. Medal of Honor

    The Medal of Honor is to be awarded to one whom voluntarily and conspicuously distinguishes themselves by gallantry and extraordinary heroism. The act must be in excess of normal demands and of such a nature that the person was fully aware of the imminent threat to their personal safety and acted above and beyond the call of duty at the risk of their life.

    Medal of Valor

    This award ranks next in prominence to the Medal of Honor. It is awarded to one for exceptional bravery at imminent risk of serious bodily injury, the recipient demonstrating exceptional courage by performing a voluntary action in an extremely dangerous situation.

  7. Awards for Service

  8. Meritorious Service Bar

    The Meritorious Service Bar is to be awarded to one for meritorious service in a duty of great responsibility. This service must show such excellence of performance that it distinguishes the individual and the department.

    Commendation Bar

    This award ranks next in prominence to the Meritorious Conduct Bar. It is to be awarded to one for outstanding performance through the success of difficult police operations, projects, programs, or situations requiring exceptional dedication.

    Certificate of Merit

    This award ranks next in prominence to the Commendation Bar. It is to be awarded to one for excellence in police work. It should be exceptional performance of duty over a period of time under unusual, complicated or hazardous conditions. Such performance is to be clearly defined as exceptional, placing a person well above others of equal rank or grade. This award may not be given in conjunction with another award for the same service or deed.

    Citizen's Merit Award

    The Citizen's Merit Award is presented to members of the community for providing material assistance to the police department in solving crimes, apprehending criminals, recovering property, or otherwise assisting the department in fulfilling its mission.

  9. Special Awards

  10. Purple Heart

    The Purple Heart is to be awarded to one who is seriously injured in the performance of duty under honorable conditions due to assaults, fires, explosions, or other overt actions. Serious injury is defined as "any injury resulting from a life threatening situation which requires substantial medical treatment." The Purple Heart will be awarded for one who has lost their life in the performance of duty under honorable circumstances. The Purple Heart may be awarded in addition to any other award the recipient may be entitled to as a result of their actions.

    Lifesaving Medal

    This medal is to be awarded to one who is directly responsible for the saving of a human life or the substantial prolonging of a human life. The term substantial should imply an extended period of days or weeks. Documentation of supporting evidence must be included to substantiate the award, such as statements from witnesses, physicians or supervisors.

  11. Marksmanship Award

  12. Pistol Master Award

    This award is to be given to any sworn police officer that demonstrates proficiency by shooting an average score of 98 or better with their primary issued service weapon and patrol rifle on both the day and night qualifying courses.

    Pistol Expert Award

    This award is to be given to any sworn police officer that demonstrates proficiency by shooting an average score of 95 or better with their primary issued service weapon and patrol rifle on both the day and night qualifying courses.

  13. Awards of Recognition or Achievement from Outside Agencies
  14. Any award of recognition or achievement presented to any individual member of the department or to the department as a whole from an outside agency or organization, wherein the award is indicated by a medal, bar, insignia, or other designation, may be authorized for wear at the discretion of the Chief of Police.

  15. Departmental Awards of Recognition or Achievement

  16. Officer/Employee of the Year Award

    These awards are presented to sworn and non-sworn employees for outstanding service and activities to their department, community and profession. The awards are presented at the annual departmental banquet. Selection criteria includes:

    Advanced Certification Bar

    The Advanced Certification Award is presented by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Training and Standards Commission. The department will recognize this achievement with the presentation of the corresponding black, red, and white pin. No other levels of certification will warrant the presentation of a uniform bar.

  17. Special Proficiency Ribbons

    The following ribbons will be awarded after successful completion of the following skills and /or certifications: 
    • Advanced Law Enforcement Certificate
    • FBI National Academy
    • Crisis Intervention Training
    • General Instructor
    • Bicycle Officer
    • Drug Recognition Expert
    • Canine Handler
    • Police Training Officer/Supervisor
    • SWAT Training
    • Firearms Master
    • Firearms Expert
    • Bachelor's Degree
    • Master's Degree
    • Doctorate Degree
  18. Other ribbons may be considered at the discretion of the Chief of Police.

  19. Wearing of Medals and Bars
  20. The medal presented will be worn only at the time of presentation. The Chief may authorize wearing of the medal at other times. 

    Officers will only wear ribbons awarded when appearing in the class "A" uniform.

  21. Order of Precedence
  22. The order of precedence for wearing ribbons/badges/awards is as follows:

    A copy of all awards and commendations will be submitted to the Training and Development Unit to be stored in the employee’s personnel file.