The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Police Department
General Order 3-4.1 Crime Prevention
  1. Crime Prevention Officer's Responsibilities

    The Crime Prevention Officer refers to the position within the organization to which the Chief of Police has assigned the duties described in this general order. The position may or may not have the working title of Crime Prevention Officer, but those duties will be described in that position's job description. It is the responsibility of the Crime Prevention Officer to provide for the following:
    1. The targeting of programs by crime type and geographical area on the of local crime data;
    2. The targeting of programs to address community perceptions or misperceptions of crime; and
    3. Conduct an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of crime prevention programs.
  2. The Crime Prevention Officer will collect quarterly data from the department's records management System (RMS) and the Greensboro Police Department for UNCG and the surrounding community. The Crime Prevention Officer will perform an analysis of this crime data in order to develop programs which target the needs of the UNCG community. A summary of programs to address those needs will be submitted to the Chief of Police by the end of each quarter.

    The Crime Prevention Officer will also develop programs based on the community's perceptions or misperceptions of crime. The information needed to gauge these perceptions will be obtained from patrol officers, news media, social media, community groups, meetings and surveys.

    Every two years, the commanding officer over the crime prevention function will perform an evaluation to determine the effectiveness of the various programs. This evaluation will be performed in March and April, every second year, using the following methods:
    1. A statistically valid survey will be conducted which will contain specific criteria necessary to measure an individual program's effectiveness and its auxiliary benefits. The survey will include the affected students, faculty, or staff.
    2. An analysis of targeted programs will be conducted by comparing crime data over periods of time with the department's crime prevention goals in order to determine the programs' effectiveness in reducing or stabilizing crime.
  3. Crime Prevention Groups

    It is the responsibility of the Crime Prevention Officer to assist in the organization of groups in the residence halls and the academic buildings that will be specifically targeted for crime prevention activity. The Crime Prevention Officer will also oversee liaison activities between these community groups and UNCG Police.
  4. Programming Responsibilities

    The Crime Prevention Officer will assist in organizing and coordinating crime prevention activities to include:
    1. Security Surveys – an evaluation of the security strengths and weaknesses of a residence or office and presenting the evaluation to the occupant for a recommended correction;
    2. Operation Identification – engraving driver's license numbers, free of charge, on the owner's property to use in the identification and recovery of stolen property; and
    3. Educational Programs – a variety of crime prevention educational programs offered to the community. Programs of topics include: personal safety, theft prevention, dating safety, date rape, alcohol laws, bicycle safety, vandalism, child care protection, victim assistance, and vehicle theft.
    4. Each officer will be required to participate in at least two crime prevention or community relations programs each year.
    5. Statistics will be kept on all programs performed to ensure the effectiveness of the program.
    6. Surveys will be conducted after each program to show the interest and effectiveness of the program presented.
  5. No department employee shall advise any person that the use of any crime prevention suggestion or program will prevent that person or any other person from becoming the victim of a crime, but will only lessen the probability of becoming a victim.

    Any crime prevention activities/programs undertaken by police officers must be approved by the Crime Prevention Officer and must be recorded in the computer aided dispatch (CAD) system. The notes section of the CAD entry will be used to add information about the program, number of participants, type of group, and if a survey was taken.

  6. Safety Evaluations for New Buildings

    The Crime Prevention Officer will be notified by the Office of Facilities Design and Construction whenever the construction or renovation of buildings, parking lots, or other structures enter the planning stage. The officer assigned to evaluate the project will ensure that crime prevention concerns, from the law enforcement perspective, are addressed prior to construction.

    Items of concerns to be checked after construction or renovation of buildings, parking lots, or other structures are completed:
    1. Proper lighting in and around the structure
    2. Handicap accessible
    3. Fire alarm system operative
    4. Emergency phones accessible/operative
    5. Access Control
    6. Cameras are operable and provide a useful view